Service Manager
Real Time Delivery and Job Management Platform
Mobile Workforce Management
Disconnect between management or dispatcher and mobile force impact customer satisfaction and fleet performance in a negative way. Service companies without a Job Management Solution miss the full insight of their operation and struggle to find the opportunities to reach service excellency.
Back Office
Faster Order Fulfillment.
Productivity Oriented Driver Apps.
Improve Work Order Management.
Order Delivery Automation.
Fleet and Driver Management.
Improve Driver Performance.
Improve Fuel Control.
Stay Connected
Increase Customer Satisfaction.
Improve Operation transparency.
Reduce Response and
Service Time.
How it Works?

Order Entry. Instant Messaging. Precise Visibility. Order Management. Customer Management.

Field Driver App. Custom App Design. Order Status Tracking. Instant Messaging.

Improve Dispatch Process. Order Auto Assignment. Route Optimization. Timely Notifications. Precise ETA.

Process KPI Analysis. Driver Performance Control. . Timely Notifications. Precise ETA.

Order Status Notifications. Across the Board Service Tracking. Costumer Notifications.

ERP. Route Optimization. Inventory. ECommerce. POS.
Why us?
Polarix provides a complete solution, including hardware and services for Security and Transportation Companies. Polarix started in 1998 with the goal of becoming the leader provider of mobile assets management. Polarix delivers a proven, secure, scalable, and user-friendly solution. Innovation and customer satisfaction have always been our priority.